Art of the Living Nudes: How I Became the Birth of Venus

I have to admit this is my first blog update in nearly 3 months as I just haven't been in the mindset to be working on particular fetish material like this. Also recently some asshole ended up hacking my Amazon account and it was a really stressful ordeal getting it back, so if somebody was the one who hacked my account, which is under the name that I use the pseudonym, you really make me wish that there was a hell out there for people like you. And now that that's out of the way I'm glad to say that I'm getting back on track and I wrote this story that I added to my list this time last year and never got around to until just now. I still have another embarrassing nudity novella that I started writing and that would probably turn into a novel that I started a few months ago and made a lot of progress with and then I just sort of lost interest in the fetish for a while. I do sometimes go through stretches of time where I lose interest in this I have to wait for that inte...