The Year of Naked Penance Chapters 1-3

I'm glad to say that I got around to publishing my latest novel on nudity, this one being sort of a little bit of a satire dystopian story where people are sentenced to being naked in public as a form of punishment for criminal offenses. I still have that one post apocalyptic CFNM novel (it sounds really nice when you say it doesn't it?!) and a second volume of naked stories as big as the first one, but other than that I'm all caught up with publishing the stuff I have already written under this particular pseudonym. When I went to check the link to my book it didn't really show a product description for the paperback edition, but I sent them a notice about that and hopefully they will end up correcting that, as I have had that problem previously, so maybe it just doesn't post right away, even though it seems to post for the Kindle edition perfectly fine. But anyway enjoy this preview of the first three chapters of The Year of Naked Penance! And maybe it was a parti...